Who is an Unaccompanied Child?

Who is an Unaccompanied Child & where do they go?

Minor (under 18yrs) who has no U.S. lawful status & is apprehended at a port of entry.

Minor is not accompanied by a parent or legally appointed guardian.

Minor is placed in removal proceedings by U.S. Immigration and sent to a group home under the care & responsibility of the Office of Refugee & Resettlement (ORR).

What Happens in ORR Care?

Minor is assessed by a clinician and medical provider.

Minor is assigned a case manager.

Minor attends school and individual & group therapy.

An adult, (sponsor) is identified who can provide for the care and well-being of the minor in the community.

Case manager assists with the vetting of the sponsor.

Minor is released to care of a vetted sponsor in the community.

Minor is released from ORR care with post-release services.

What are Post-Release Services?

After being released from ORR to a vetted sponsor, a social worker provides up to six months of in-home services (after minor is released from ORR care) to assist the minor and sponsor in connecting to community resources (legal, medical, education, mental health).

What are a Home Study Post Release Services?

Minor or sponsor who is identified as being at a higher level of risk while in ORR care, must undergo a home study by a social worker to vet the home and the sponsor before the minor can be released to the sponsor to live in the community.

Post release services are then provided to the minor and sponsor in their home by a social worker after the minor is released from ORR to the community, until the minor turns 18 years of age or their legal case is closed. Services include helping the minor with transitioning into the home and community and assisting the family in connecting to community resources (legal, medical, education, mental health).